The people have been using transportation in order to travelfrom one place to another since ancient times. At that time simple
transportation forms existed. But in the 19th century the steam
power engines, and lately diesel powered engines were invented,as the matter of fact the inventions changed the transportationnotion. The speed became one of the most important factors in
transportation. In 1841 Thomas Cook realized the rst organized
travel using train with steam power engine. From that time trans- portation became inseparable part of tourism.Transportation in its simple meaning is to carry passengersfrom one point to another. When transportation is consideredfrom tourism frame, it simply refers to carrying tourists from their place of living to the place where the touristic products are intro-duced to them (Eden, 2005). The travel and tourism experienceof tourists and the ideas about tourism products start and end withtransportation. That is why it is impossible to consider tourismwithout transportation.