Once the model has finished running, VRP Solver will display the solution in a new window that has two tabs. The "Map" tab displays the solution in graphical form, with each city represented by a circle and routes drawn as lines connecting the customers. Each route is represented by a separate color, up to a maximum of 12 routes; routes after the twelfth are drawn in black. Check or uncheck the "Display Labels" box to turn the node labels on or off. Click "Save Bitmap..." to save a picture of the map in bitmap format.
The "Text" tab displays the solution in text form. For each route, VRP Solver lists the stops, in order, as well as the demand at each stop and the distance to each stop from the previous one. The total volume and distance for each route are also listed. After the route listings, the window indicates the total solution time, the time spent building the initial solution and improving it, and the number of each type of improvement that was performed. There is no facility to save the text, but you can copy and paste it into a text editor and save it from there.
At the bottom of the screen, when either tab is active, is a brief summary of the solution indicating the number of trucks used, the total distance, and the solution time (in seconds).