A good example of native Javanese ritualistic activity that has survived into modern times, and exists in both Islamic and Hindu contexts, is wayang kulit or shadow puppet theater.This art form existed since before Islam arrived in Indonesia, but it is said that when the Wali Songo came to Indonesia they used wayang as a medium to spread the Islamic message.For this reason, even though wayang was already common before Islam, it could continue to develop within Muslim Indonesian history. It also continues today in Hindu form on the island of Bali.Wayang kulit figures are made from buffalo skin mounted on bamboo sticks.The word “wayang” means “shadow” in Javanese. However in general usage the word “wayang” is understood to mean a performance of some kind.Although shadow puppet theater or wayang kulit (kulit = means skin) is the best-known form, wayang exists in other forms too.For example, there is wayang wong, which means “human wayang,” involving live performersWayang kulit remains a popular pastime in Java.The dalang or puppeteer is the most important person in this performance. He narrates the story while manipulating the puppets.Traditionally, a family might sponsor a wayang performance to commemorate a special occasion, such as a child’s birthday, a circumcision ceremony, or a wedding.The dalang is paid generously for orchestrating this performance. He is always accompanied by a gamelan orchestra (percussion instruments consisting of various bronze gongs and bells, and even stringed instruments).Therefore, the wayang is a bit like a slametan, in the sense that it is traditionally a way to entertain or honor the ancestors and local spirits on an auspicious occasion.