Optical system
One instrument made of 2 identical Korsch telescopes, each with a 200 mm aperture, delivering the expected swath.
PAN array assembly: 28,000 pixels
MS array assembly: 4 x 7000 pixels
Spectral bands
Panchromatic: 0.450-0.745 μm
Blue: 0.450-0.520 μm
Green: 0.530-0.590 μm
Red: 0.625-0.695 μm
Near Infrared: 0.760-0.890 μm
The 5 bands are always acquired simultaneously.
60km at nadir
Dynamic range at acquisition
12 bits per pixel
Location accuracy specification
• 35m CE 90 without GCP within a 30° viewing angle cone
• 10m CE90 for Ortho products where Reference3D is available
Instrument telemetry link rate
X-band channel - 300 Mbits/s