Chapter 12 Dolly
1 In 1997 photographs of a sheep called Dolly appeared on the front page of newspaper around the world. She looked quite ordinary, but Dolly was different from other sheep. She was an identical copy of another adult sheep. In other words, she was a clone. Before Dolly, scientists had only been able to clone large animals using cells taken from embryos. They had tried to do it using cells from adult animals, but it
2 Lots of animals have been cloned since then, including cows, monkeys and cats. Cloning technology is also being used to try to keep some animals from becoming extinct. But we still don’t understand the technology very well. The scientists who created Dolly tried 276 times before they were successful. Many cloned animals die soon after they are born, and those that survive often become ill later.
3 Since Dolly’s arrival, some people have suggested that humans might also be cloned one day. The idea is very controversial. A lot of people think it would be wrong, including some of the scientists who created Dolly. But other think it would be okay in some situations, such as helping scientists to find a cure for a disease. Whether it’s right or wrong, cloning humans will be possible one day. It’s up to us to decide what happens next.
Directions: Choose the correct answer.
1.There is a ................. plan to build a new dam. Lots of people in that town didn’t want it.
1) embryo 2) controversial 3) cure 4) cell
2.Human ................ are in the first eight weeks after fertilization.
1) embryo 2) controversial 3) cure 4) cell
3.TB is a serious illness, but it can be ..................
1) embryo 2) controversial 3) cure 4) cell
4.All plants and animals are made up of ..............
1) embryo 2) controversial 3) cure 4) cell
5.A ............. is a plant or an animal that is produced naturally or artificially from the cells of another plant or animal and exactly the same as it.
1) clone 2) identical 3) extinct 4) embryo
6. Which is not the pros of cloning humans?
1) to help scientists to find a cure for a disease.
2) to keep some animals from becoming extinct.
3) Many cloned animals aren’t healthy.
7. Which is not the cons of cloning humans?
1) Many cloned animals aren’t healthy.
2) to help scientists to find a cure for a disease.
3) Cloning humans would be wrong.
4) . Many cloned animals die soon after they are born.
8. “Dolly-a very special sheep” is the main purpose of ………….
1) Paragraph 1 2) Paragraph 2
3) Paragraph 3
9. “The arguments about cloning humans” is the main purpose of ………….
1) Paragraph 1 2) Paragraph 2
3) Paragraph 3
10. What is the main purpose of the passage?
1) To explain how Dolly was cloned. 2) To discuss animal and human cloning.
3) To argue against animal cloning. 4) To explain how human cloning.
11. Scientist haven’t yet been able to clone any other animals.
1) True 2) False
12. Dolly was the first sheep to be successful cloned using cell from adult sheep.
1) True 2) False
13. Dolly was cloned after many failed attempts to clone a sheep.
1) True 2) False
14. Some of the scientist who cloned Dolly disagree with human cloning.
1) True 2) False
15. Some of scientist thought that human cloning might help scientist to find a cure of disease.
1) True 2) False
Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct word.
controversial embryo cure cells situation
16. We need a microscope to see the ………… that make up our bodies.
17. The new motorway through the city is very …………………… Lots of people didn’t want it.
18. There’s no ………….. for Mr. Gee’s illness, so he probably won’t get better.
19. In some …………… I am allowed to miss school. For example, if I am sick.
20. An unborn in the early stages of development it called an ………
Directions: Match each word with its meaning
A. exactly the same B. an exactly copy C. don’t exist any more
D. this mean E. it’s your choice
21 ______ It’s up to you 22. _____ a clone 23. ______ identical
24. _____ extinct 25. _____ In other words,
*** End of the Test ***