6.9 Were probability that hazards would occur specified?
6.10 Were undesirable health influence of mentioned
hazards specified?
6.11 Were survival and multiplication of pathogenic
microorganisms considered?
6.12 Were formation of chemicals in products and
production environment considered?
6.13 Were allergens in products considered?
6.14 Was the possibility of secondary pollution between raw
materials, intermediate and finished products considered?
6.15 Were control measures for specific hazards specified?
6.16 Were all control measures assigned to existing procedures
and specifications?
Result of the assessment:
Final score:
Block 7 Step 7. Principle II. Determine Critical Control Coints (CCPs)
7.1 Were CCPs established?
7.2 Were methods leading to determine CCPs specified?
7.3 Was a decision tree used to determine CCPs?
7.4 Was a decision tree used in accordance with flow diagrams
at each production step
7.5 Was a decision tree applied for each hazard at each
production step?
7.6 Did the HACCP team members received training from the
use of decision tree and was it evidenced?
7.7 Were CCPs identified properly?
7.8 Whether any step, for which CCP should be determined,
was omitted?
Result of the assessment:
Final score:
Block 8 Step 8. Principle III. Establish critical limits for each CCP
8.1 Were parameters and critical limits established for each CCP?
8.2 Were parameters and critical limits acknowledged in the
8.3 Were critical limits correspond to the acceptable border
values with regard to product safety?
8.4 Whether critical limits were set for observable or measurable
parameters which could show that CCP is under control?
8.5 Were limits based on reasonable assumptions?
8.6 Were critical limits properly chosen in each CCP?
Result of the assessment:
Final score:
Block 9 Step 9. Principle IV. Monitoring of CCPs
9.1 Were monitoring system for all CCPs established?
9.2 Were monitoring procedures for each CCP elaborated?
9.3 Was the frequency of monitoring established?
9.4 Was the frequency of monitoring established properly?
9.5 Were there monitoring methods established?
9.6 Were monitoring methods adequate?
9.7 Were employees responsible for CCPs monitoring designated?
9.8 Were there CCPs monitoring devices used?
9.9 Were monitoring devices showed reliable measurements?
9.10 Were there available control cards to record the results of monitoring for each CCP?
9.11 Did control cards allowed keeping of records of all monitored parameters in CCPs?
Result of the assessment:
Final score:
Block 10 Step 10. Principle V. Establish corrective action
10.1 Were there corrective actions for each CCP established, in the case when
monitoring results indicated a loss of control?
10.2 Were corrective actions fully ensured a return to the assumed parameters?
10.3 Were there corrective actions procedures for each CCP established?
10.4 Were there designated employees responsible for corrective actions for each CCP?
10.5 Were there control cards to document the corrective action taken at all established CCPs?
10.6 Was there instruction of specified use of products obtained during period when CCP
was out of control?
Result of the assessment:
Final score:
Block 11 Step 11. Principle VI. Verification procedures
11.1 Were methods of HACCP verification established?
11.2 Was the frequency of HACCP verification established?
11.3 Were established verification methods appropriate?
11.4 Was established frequency of HACCP verification adequate?
11.5 Whether verification procedures were established to confirm that the HACCP system
was effective and consistent with the plan?