I have deposited the money in your name and to your Bank Account
Details and i can't get back my money once they have
Approved/Confirmed the money so that is why they are confirming the
shipment before they can remit the money to your bank Account to
assured you that you will receive your money that is why they send you
my payment Approval Confirmation letter,so if you don't make then
shipment they can't refund my money back to me again so please don't
let me loose my money....
They are confirming the tracking number before remitting account,even
due to the corruption/fraudulent practices on INTERNET,so i will want
you to proceed with the shipment as soon as possible.We will both
happy at the end of these transaction i always promise you that..
I want you to kindly proceed with the shipment of the item and i
promise you that immediately you make the shipment and send the
shipment tracking to the Bank they will remit your money
immediately,even i usually pay my worker with this method and it very
easy to receive since i have cleared everything and i have paid the
transfer charges to the Bank.