Medical anthropology theory is a blend of social science, epidemiological, and biological perspectives on disease.
The most effective way to show how these theoretical threads come together in medical anthropology is introduce sepantely, to them applying each in the analysis of a concrete case of disease. This will permit us to understand what each theory does and does not explain, as well as ilustrate how to they are combined. The case illustration I have chosen is a cholera epidemic in South America. First, a word or two about the purpose of theory in social and natural sciences. A they seeks to account for a defined set of regularities or patterns evident in a given phenomenon. For example, gravitational theory provides an nation for the observable fact that objects, when released, fall to earth. A symbolic theory might to explain the common association between a particular color and specific cultural meanings (e g., red and fetilis). It is not the isolated instance of a phenomenon that a theory explains (e.g., one object falling or one red symbol that stands for fertility), but the predictable repetition of te event. Theories operate at an abstract level. They reduce the complexity of a given n to those characteristics that considered relevant to understanding are the pattern under study. Newton did need to know the color of the fei not apple that on his head to derive his theory of gravity. However, the color of the apple that Eve offered to Adam in the Bible's Genesis story might make a significant difference to a theory of color symbolism. Any theory identify which characteristics are conmust sidered relevant and which evidence will be accepted This last point about theory is especially important because it helps us to understand the conflicts that arise over competing theoretical interpretations. Often, theoretical disagreements emerge from di in what scholars think is relevant to an explanation of a phenomenon and what they accept as evidence. No theory can
ทฤษฎีมานุษยวิทยาการแพทย์เป็นการผสมผสานของสังคม ความ และมุมมองทางชีวภาพในโรคThe most effective way to show how these theoretical threads come together in medical anthropology is introduce sepantely, to them applying each in the analysis of a concrete case of disease. This will permit us to understand what each theory does and does not explain, as well as ilustrate how to they are combined. The case illustration I have chosen is a cholera epidemic in South America. First, a word or two about the purpose of theory in social and natural sciences. A they seeks to account for a defined set of regularities or patterns evident in a given phenomenon. For example, gravitational theory provides an nation for the observable fact that objects, when released, fall to earth. A symbolic theory might to explain the common association between a particular color and specific cultural meanings (e g., red and fetilis). It is not the isolated instance of a phenomenon that a theory explains (e.g., one object falling or one red symbol that stands for fertility), but the predictable repetition of te event. Theories operate at an abstract level. They reduce the complexity of a given n to those characteristics that considered relevant to understanding are the pattern under study. Newton did need to know the color of the fei not apple that on his head to derive his theory of gravity. However, the color of the apple that Eve offered to Adam in the Bible's Genesis story might make a significant difference to a theory of color symbolism. Any theory identify which characteristics are conmust sidered relevant and which evidence will be accepted This last point about theory is especially important because it helps us to understand the conflicts that arise over competing theoretical interpretations. Often, theoretical disagreements emerge from di in what scholars think is relevant to an explanation of a phenomenon and what they accept as evidence. No theory can
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Medical anthropology theory is a blend of social science, epidemiological, and biological perspectives on disease.
The most effective way to show how these theoretical threads come together in medical anthropology is introduce sepantely, to them applying each in the analysis of a concrete case of disease. This will permit us to understand what each theory does and does not explain, as well as ilustrate how to they are combined. The case illustration I have chosen is a cholera epidemic in South America. First, a word or two about the purpose of theory in social and natural sciences. A they seeks to account for a defined set of regularities or patterns evident in a given phenomenon. For example, gravitational theory provides an nation for the observable fact that objects, when released, fall to earth. A symbolic theory might to explain the common association between a particular color and specific cultural meanings (e g., red and fetilis). It is not the isolated instance of a phenomenon that a theory explains (e.g., one object falling or one red symbol that stands for fertility), but the predictable repetition of te event. Theories operate at an abstract level. They reduce the complexity of a given n to those characteristics that considered relevant to understanding are the pattern under study. Newton did need to know the color of the fei not apple that on his head to derive his theory of gravity. However, the color of the apple that Eve offered to Adam in the Bible's Genesis story might make a significant difference to a theory of color symbolism. Any theory identify which characteristics are conmust sidered relevant and which evidence will be accepted This last point about theory is especially important because it helps us to understand the conflicts that arise over competing theoretical interpretations. Often, theoretical disagreements emerge from di in what scholars think is relevant to an explanation of a phenomenon and what they accept as evidence. No theory can
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