Deductive and inductive approaches relate to learning and acquisition in SLA theory.
Firstly, the deductive approach is related to the conscious learning process in which
this approach tries to place a great emphasis on error correction and the presentation
of explicit rules (Krashen, 2002). Such an approach is applied for the reason that it is
an efficient and elegant way to organize and present the rule that is already
understood. The deductive approach is often used with adult learners. Through the
deductive approach, a teacher tries to teach the rule explicitly to the learners so that
they are ready to cope with exercises given. The explicit rule presentation can
enhance the learners’ confidence in doing certain tasks. To be successful in applying
the approach, the teacher needs to provide numerous exercises.
Secondly, the inductive approach relates to subconscious learning processes similar to
the concept of language acquisition. According to this approach, learners learn the
system of language (for example, grammar or sentence rules) in the same way as