The right to death is a controversial subject in every society, guaranteed to generate heated debates whether an ill person has the right to end his life, particularly in cases whereby the patient falls into a state of irreversible coma or has long suffered from an incurable disease causing unbearable physical or mental pain. It so happens that very often, with sympathy of the family to the dying person or being influenced by medical decision, with or without the consent of the dying person, the doctors are forced to come to terms with a dilemma: whether or not to terminate the patient’s life before his natural time. Such an act is known as “euthanasia” which may either be accomplished through the suspension of life-sustaining equipment, food or the administration of high dose of lethal substance. No civilized countries, great or small, seems to be able to escape from the debate on the ethics of such a practice which provokes raging controversies owing to irreconcilable views among the general public as well as the medical professionals. Here are some of the questions that have caused major division.