Generally, middle class children get involved in some simple house tasks and activities which help their parents in daily routine without affecting children’s health and schooling. Such activities at home are considered to be necessary for children. However, all the activities that affect children’s health, development and schooling, come under child labour. Child labour involves some hard tasks performed by children below the age group of 14 years at very low payment. Child labour is needed by some Industrialists and businessmen in the country who want efficient work at low minimum cost.
Child labour is also the need of poor people (living below the poverty line), who fail to manage two times food for them, send their kids and children to do some job even at very low cost. Such activities should be blocked urgently by the government by supporting the poor people. They should be motivated to send their kids to school and get proper education. It is needed to take some positive steps by both, government and well doing citizens to help poor people and their kids to be productive members of the Indian society in their adult life.