For the sculptures as well, it was good to establish the hierarchy immediately after their birth,
but there was no need to give them this mental training separately.
The Phoenixes had realized something while watching Yellowy.
‘Ah, we’re stuck with a really dirty Master.’
‘What rotten luck.’
The outstandingly intelligent Phoenixes became obedient.
They were Phoenixes who didn’t die easily and were incomparably tenacious! They dove with
their outstretched wings to avoid lightning attacks unleashed by the Caltrops.
And the flame attack they discharged! The damage was weak, but the flames spread over a
wide area. The heat wasn’t enough to melt the rocky mountain, but it was still quite hot.
They didn’t even die from area of effect attack skills, and they were quick on chasing land
monsters, not giving them a chance to run away. As long as he cautioned them not to burn
the japtem dropped by the Caltrops, there were no problems with the hunt.
While the Phoenixes hunted the Caltrops, Weed went with Yellowy to deal with the Black
Wild Boars.
The Wild Boars ran through the uneven rocky mountains!
Weed hunted them while riding Yellowy. Together with Yellowy, he defeated the Wild Boars
one by one.
Weed’s Moonlight Sculpting Blade and Sword Mastery skill proficiency were increasing
“This method of fighting isn’t bad.”
Weed was pleased because the hunting speed was decent. Thanks to Yellowy, Stamina
consumption was reduced and damage was doubled.
Sword Mastery did not accumulate uniformly by just swinging a sword. The proficiency rose
when consecutively hunting monsters stronger than himself.
Weed’s Sword Mastery was currently at Intermediate Level 8!
It couldn’t be compared to the SwordNoobs, but it was much higher than normal users.
He had also modified a total of 262 sculptures in the basin of the River of Lamentation.
You have altered “Snakehead Fish Going Belly-up and Dying”, a
sculpture of the Matallost Church.
You have purified 262 River of Lamentation sculptures.
Purification of the River of Lamentation: -98%
A hopeless purification level!
He was gradually reducing the level, but the point where he could bring the level to normal
was still distant.
“This might not be the method to end this.”
Weed thought deeply. He had raised his level by 2 while hunting for a week in real time,
proof that it wasn’t a bad hunting ground. Since monsters stronger than Weed were all
around, he didn’t need to go looking for them.
It was also the perfect hunting ground to raise Yellowy and the Phoenixes! Even considering
the time he spent on mending the sculptures, they were growing extremely quickly.
His level had fallen frequently from granting life to sculptures. Since his combat-related
proficiency remained the same, it was gradually accumulating.
“The problem was purifying the River of Lamentation. It will take too long...”
His brilliant judgement emerged every time there was a crisis!
Normally, it would have materialized earlier, but his declaration was delayed because he was
grinding. As long as stats and skills definitely increased, he could repeat the same grinding
for hundreds of days.
After all, he had the experience of carrying bricks and going up to the 20th floor while others
were still going to high school.
“There’s no wage as fixed as the one for a construction site!”
When he returned home in the evening, he received crisp cash as his daily pay.
“Grinding has never lied!”
On the other hand, sewing in plushie eyes and beards was calculated by unit.
A fixed job gave a more definite income. Grinding was boring and difficult work, but the
reward had an exhaustive aspect.
Weed had trained in dozens of kinds of grinding, but the task this time was really hopeless.
“There’s at least ten thousand sculptures. Doing them one by one like this isn’t the answer.
It’s a hopeless task that I don’t know when it’ll end.”
Weed carefully observed the sculptures he had to change in advance. He found out how
much and what he had to modify! He meticulously examined and recorded the size, weight,
and how much he had to match the balance of the body.
Then he made the necessary sculptures whenever he took a break while hunting. He utilized
the division of labor method of taking sculptures made separately and attaching them!
As his method improved, he became capable of modifying 17 sculptures a day. He could fix
an additional 4 sculptures, and the time he could spend focused on hunting also increased.
However, the purification level was still changing slowly.
“This still won’t do.”
While surveying the area around the River of Lamentation, Weed found a swamp. There were
a few trees and clay.
“This is it!”
Using the clay greatly shortened the time it took to make sculptures. It became possible for
him to modify about 45 sculptures a day.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
Weed increased his work efficiency like an incarnation of grinding!
- The work of