4.2. Blood values
For the 5 flocks followed at all blood samplings, there
was less difference in post lambing serum -tocopheroland -tocopherol:cholesterol levels between the two
experimental groups than when 6 more flocks were added
(Tables 2 and 3). The reason for this may have been that the
5 flocks had 12 IU higher daily intake of vitamin E from the
basal diet per ewe (165 IU) than the 6 other flocks (153 IU),
and hence were less susceptible to vitamin E supplement.
Serum concentrations of -tocopherol of >2.0 mg/L have
previously been considered adequate to avoid deficiency
diseases like white muscle disease (McMurray and Rice,
1982), however, 7 flocks had average serum concentrations
below that level. The amount of vitamin E needed to maintain proper immune function is greater than the amount
needed to prevent overt deficiency like white muscle disease (Weiss et al., 1994).