The students in this study who have been designated as strategic learners might have been strategic because they were unaware of any other approach to learning. The students’ concept of learning in the programme may not have altered because previously held views that learning is individualistic, even competitive, were not addressed prior to the online experience. By not being familiar with “networked learning” the students failed to recognise the potential benefits of learning through interaction with others (Goodyear & Yang, 2008). Is it then the role of institutions to introduce the implications for learning in a digital environment to staff and students? However, institutions cannot, or may not wish to, alter the assessment procedures integral to any award-bearing course. If institutions retain a summative approach to assessment no matter how much emphasis is laid on developing knowledge through a community of learners, ultimately this leaves the strategic learner unchallenged. This in turn would vindicate an individualistic attitude, given that the assessment remains individualistic and in turn competitive in nature.
The students in this study who have been designated as strategic learners might have been strategic because they were unaware of any other approach to learning. The students’ concept of learning in the programme may not have altered because previously held views that learning is individualistic, even competitive, were not addressed prior to the online experience. By not being familiar with “networked learning” the students failed to recognise the potential benefits of learning through interaction with others (Goodyear & Yang, 2008). Is it then the role of institutions to introduce the implications for learning in a digital environment to staff and students? However, institutions cannot, or may not wish to, alter the assessment procedures integral to any award-bearing course. If institutions retain a summative approach to assessment no matter how much emphasis is laid on developing knowledge through a community of learners, ultimately this leaves the strategic learner unchallenged. This in turn would vindicate an individualistic attitude, given that the assessment remains individualistic and in turn competitive in nature.
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