The two of us ride the motorcycle in the dark, passing through plenty of cars which are likely filled with those that enjoy the nightlife, before we finally arrive at a huge mansion’s gate. (We had to stop to avoid police officers occasionally.) I can see that the lights are still on in some of the rooms even though it is nearly midnight now.
“Did you tell anybody that you’d be home late?” I ask him as I park the motorcycle.
“I did. I told Pang I’d be out with you. Heh heh.”
“You always cause troubles for me!” This bastard! I swing my leg, intending to kick his ass while he gets off the motorcycle. However, he manages to dodge it and laughs at me.
“See ya around.” Never mind, I guess. I wave goodbye to him before I prepare to leave. I would’ve made it to the main street by now if he hadn’t called out my name.
“What’s up?” I pause and turn around. I don’t hear an answer from him. Phun walks closer to me. I stare at his hands as he reaches around my neck intending to do something. “What the hell are you doing?”
“Just stay still.” His hands move about around my neck for a while. I finally realize what is going on when the dog tag has been removed from my neck. “Aren’t you ashamed of wearing something that belongs to the cheer team?” He tells me and I actually agree with him. “Yes, I am. I forgot to take it off. I was so busy. Thanks for reminding me.” I tell him as I reach my hand over to take the dog tag that Earn put on me this afternoon, but Phun drops it in his shirt pocket instead. This bastard is such a smartass.
“I’ll give it back to Earn myself.” That’ll look bad though! My mouth is agape from not understanding him.
“I’ll return it myself.” Thus, The War of the Dog Tag has commenced. I lean over intending to grab the necklace but he dodges me and pushes me in the head. This jerk, does he think that that he can do whatever he wants because he’s taller than me?!
“You can never say no to people. You’ll just keep wearing it if he pressures you to. I’ll return it.” He tells me while he pats his pocket to let me know that he is not giving it back to me. He’s right though, now that I think about it. I really don’t put up much of a fight. When somebody practically forces me to do something, I usually give in to them. I mean, look at Phun for example. This is how I got myself into this situation in the first place.
“Alright, I’ll leave it up to you then.”
“And don’t go accepting stuff from random people. Especially from Earn.” What Phun is telling me makes me feel peculiar. It’s almost like…he’s more upset at the fact that I accepted the dog tag from Earn rather than the fact that I accepted a dog tag that rightfully belongs to the cheer team.
“Phun…” I softly call out his name. He turns to look at me.
“What’s up?” His reply is so gentle that I’m finding it difficult to speak.
“We don’t actually belong to one another, you know…”
Even though I was the one who said those words, I can’t help but feel a tightness in my chest. What about Phun then? This probably affects him even more than it does me.
Nevertheless, I have to keep saying these things. We both need to remind ourselves about this as often as possible. The truth is…I’m only telling myself this so I’d be able to cope with the fact that there is no “us.”
A small lonesome smile curls around Phun’s lips before he walks closer to me. He looks at me while he reaches over and gently caresses my cheek.
“Just because we talked about it…it doesn’t mean I’d be able to get over you right then and there.” He looks into my eyes while giving me a smile. I can’t help but wonder, would it be too much if we continue being just friends like this?
Before I am able to say another word, Phun’s familiar face moves closer to mine. I can feel his breaths. I tense up and close my eyes tightly. I feel something soft and plump but full of warmth touching my forehead. This lasts for a moment before he pulls away.
I mockingly raise one of my brows in order to hide my embarrassment. “Probably the most we’d be able to do, heh heh.”
“Still better than nothing…” Phun tells me before he gives me a wave which tells me that he’s about to head inside his home. “Drive safe, okay?”
“Yeah. See you.”
I don’t know what these feelings of sharp pains that are filling up inside me really mean.
I honestly don’t know.