Net sugarcane rows (inner rows of the experimental plot) were manually harvested and weighed using a mechanical grab apparatus and load cell fitted onto a four-wheel drive vehicle, to determine cane yields in tonnes per hectare. Samples of 12 stalks were taken from each plot at each harvest to determine the estimated recoverable crystal percent (ERC%). The ERC% is a quality parameter in the South African sugar industry that is derived from sucrose, non-sucrose, and fiber contents in cane deliveries. The ERC yield (TERC)is determined as the product of cane yields (tons/ha) and ERC%,and is the commercial unit on which cane payments are based. Ateach harvest plot-wise surveys of eldana damage levels were per-formed by splitting 15–20 stalks longitudinally and counting the number of damaged and undamaged internodes. Levels of eldanadamage were expressed as the percentage of internodes bored (%IB)according to Anon. (2005).