Merit flower festival Saraburi
Merit flower festival Co-presented flowers Lent Dedicated to the worship of Buddhist Lent on blooming. A sign to know that the importance of the Buddhist tradition to put flowers and share with the people listening. Believed that ...If someone had given philanthropy Lent is not much. Merit flower festival A tradition that is unique to the district Buddha. Held annually at Wat Phra Buddha in the waning days of the first lunar month is 8.And only rarely seen in flowers, this tradition will take place on the afternoon of Lent. Start of the procession of Buddha and picturesque procession of monks alms round out the line.Then back down to the temple. And praying prayers on Lent
.There is an anecdote told Put flowers in it Lent is used over a wood species other people will go to keep up the hillside after Lent to me in the morning. To put the bowl in the afternoon.The flowers, which bloom only during Lent only. With yellow, white and purple are rare. I believed If anyone brings Lent is purple, and put the charity over another color.Which is believed to be auspicious for those who have come to pay homage. It is said that if one had come to worship every seven times, get up to heaven ever.