processALD of Al2O3was performed onto wool fabrics and silicon wafer,which was acted as a reference whether the ALD reactions hap-pen on the surface through the color change. ALD experimentwas carried out in a hot-wall closed chamber-type ALD reactor (Savannah system, Cambridge Nanotech. Inc., USA). The deposi-tion of Al2O3used trimethylaluminum (TMA) and deionized wateras the aluminum and oxygen source, respectively. Considering thehigh temperature has a significant damage on wool fiber, the ALDdeposition temperature was set at 80◦C. Prior to ALD processing,wool fabrics were placed in the ALD reactor and heated in vac-uum (7.9E−1 Torr) to 80◦C, kept at this temperature for 5 min. Thetemperature of the reactant lines for TMA and water was roomtemperature. To begin ALD, the reactor was cleaned by the nitrogen,and then two precursors were alternately introduced into the reac-tor separated by nitrogen purge step, which was critical to removebyproduct and remaining precursors. In the first half of the cycle,the wool fabric was exposed to water for 15 s followed by purgingthe nitrogen for 80 s. In the second half of the cycle, it was exposedto TMA for 15 s followed by purging the reactor with nitrogen for150 s. During ALD processing, deposition cycle was 100 and pres-sure was maintained at 3.0 Torr. Pulse time for water and TMA were0.015 and 0.2 s, respectively. The schematic process of Al2O3ALDon wool fibers is shown in Fig. 1. Moreover, ALD coated wool fabricswere heated in a muffle furnace up to 700◦C for 1 h, and the residueis named ALD-residue.