Instead of using the conventional superimposition method
described in Section1, we proposed to use a protein–protein
docking approach for model construction. We performed two
types of docking calculations with ATP-free and ATP-bound NBD
monomeric structures. In both cases, we obtained the biologically
correct NBD1–NBD2 heterodimeric structures. Considering the
critical role of ATP molecules in NBD1–NBD2 dimerization[2–4],
we focused on the docking study with ATP-boundNBD monomeric
structures. Specifically, NBD1 and NBD2 monomers were treated
as two different proteins. The ZDOCK (version 2.1) protein–protein
docking program[27] was used to search globally all possible
binding configurations between NBD1 and NBD2. During protein–
protein docking with human NBDs, the default parameters of
ZDOCK were used. Namely, NBD1 was fixed and NBD2 was
uniformly sampled with an Euler angle interval of 15
in the entire
rotational space, yielding a total of 3600 rotations. For each
rotation of NBD2, the complete search over the translational space
was performed by the Fast Fourier Translational (FFT) algorithm
with a grid spacing of 1.2 A˚ , and only the top translation of NBD2
with the best shape complementarity according to the scoring
function in ZDOCK was kept. This yielded a total of 3600 putative
NBD1–NBD2 binding modes in a global search. By default, the top
Instead of using the conventional superimposition method
described in Section1, we proposed to use a protein–protein
docking approach for model construction. We performed two
types of docking calculations with ATP-free and ATP-bound NBD
monomeric structures. In both cases, we obtained the biologically
correct NBD1–NBD2 heterodimeric structures. Considering the
critical role of ATP molecules in NBD1–NBD2 dimerization[2–4],
we focused on the docking study with ATP-boundNBD monomeric
structures. Specifically, NBD1 and NBD2 monomers were treated
as two different proteins. The ZDOCK (version 2.1) protein–protein
docking program[27] was used to search globally all possible
binding configurations between NBD1 and NBD2. During protein–
protein docking with human NBDs, the default parameters of
ZDOCK were used. Namely, NBD1 was fixed and NBD2 was
uniformly sampled with an Euler angle interval of 15
in the entire
rotational space, yielding a total of 3600 rotations. For each
rotation of NBD2, the complete search over the translational space
was performed by the Fast Fourier Translational (FFT) algorithm
with a grid spacing of 1.2 A˚ , and only the top translation of NBD2
with the best shape complementarity according to the scoring
function in ZDOCK was kept. This yielded a total of 3600 putative
NBD1–NBD2 binding modes in a global search. By default, the top
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