Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather rich descriptions
of children’s activities and participation in a range of
settings (e.g. home, pre-school/school and community). Interview
questions were developed with reference to the ICF-CY to prompt
discussion around activity and participation (see Table 2).
Parents were provided with definitions and examples of these
concepts. Activity was defined to parents as the actions or tasks
their child completes, whereas participation was defined as their
child’s social involvement during everyday situations. An
example provided to parents was if a child is unable to eat
orally, they would be unable to complete the activity or action of
eating, but they can still participate or be socially involved
during mealtimes by sitting at the table with their family during
mealtimes. Extension questions were used where further clarity
regarding parents’ responses was needed [28]. Parents also had
the opportunity to discuss relevant issues that had not arisen in
the specific interviewer questions. Interviews were undertaken
by CM in the family’s home (n ¼ 7), RCH (n ¼ 5) and The
University of Melbourne (n ¼ 1). Interviews lasted 35 min to
1.5 h and were audio recorded for later transcription. At the
conclusion of each interview, the interviewer verbally summarised
the discussion to verify their interpretation. Parents
were also given the opportunity to receive a copy of the
transcript to confirm its accuracy. One transcript was returned
with minor changes in relation to grammar rather than content
that did not alter study findings.
ProcedureSemi-structured interviews were conducted to gather rich descriptionsof children’s activities and participation in a range ofsettings (e.g. home, pre-school/school and community). Interviewquestions were developed with reference to the ICF-CY to promptdiscussion around activity and participation (see Table 2).Parents were provided with definitions and examples of theseconcepts. Activity was defined to parents as the actions or taskstheir child completes, whereas participation was defined as theirchild’s social involvement during everyday situations. Anexample provided to parents was if a child is unable to eatorally, they would be unable to complete the activity or action ofeating, but they can still participate or be socially involvedduring mealtimes by sitting at the table with their family duringmealtimes. Extension questions were used where further clarityregarding parents’ responses was needed [28]. Parents also hadthe opportunity to discuss relevant issues that had not arisen inthe specific interviewer questions. Interviews were undertakenby CM in the family’s home (n ¼ 7), RCH (n ¼ 5) and TheUniversity of Melbourne (n ¼ 1). Interviews lasted 35 min to1.5 h and were audio recorded for later transcription. At theconclusion of each interview, the interviewer verbally summarisedthe discussion to verify their interpretation. Parentswere also given the opportunity to receive a copy of thetranscript to confirm its accuracy. One transcript was returned
with minor changes in relation to grammar rather than content
that did not alter study findings.
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