Engineering Measures To Reduce Exposure:
Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areas.
Eye Protection:
Tightly fitting safety goggles and face shield.
Hand Protection:
Hydrofluoric acid-resistant and solvent resistant gloves (gloves made of VITON*).
Skin And Body Protection:
Complete suit with rubber or plastic boots protecting against Hydrofluoric Acid.
Hygiene Measures:
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. When using - do not eat, drink or smoke.
Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace.
Control Parameters:
OSHA PEL (3ppm). ACGIH TLV (3ppm).
Respiratory Protection:
Wear a positive-pressure supplied-air respirator with face shield (In case of higher
concentration) Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective suit.