Marcus Lim here, and in this video I'm going to take you through the process of creating a very high quality video using Video Maker FX. Now a bit of background. I 'm not a stranger to making a videos as I do a lot of videos myself, whether it's popowerpoint, screencast, motion graphics, fancy animation videos with wiz bang special effecrts. For a lot of those videos you need software like After Effects. The problem is with that sort of software the learning curve is steep. You can of course outsource if you wish, but i've never come across something like Video Maker FX that makes the process point and click.
Let me step you through the process. Create a new project - give it a name. The way it works is - pretty much like powerpoint or keynote on the mac - you have multiple slides you keep adding to create a video. So you have different themes for the slides. Here is one I really like - whiteboard sets. You can edit the elements on the slides easily. Let's add all slides to populate the timeline with all these slides. Pick one and select the text element and edit it - updates in real time in the preview window. Change color of the background too. Very simple process!
Finally you can preview, and also add music + voice track. Music mp3 tracks out of the box. Add your own voice over track in a second track.
Then export project, choice of different resolutions - highest is 720p - 1280 x 720. doesn't take long to render.
So just a few clicks and we have a high quality whiteboard style video - in the past this would have taken ages to do even if you have a software tool like After Effects. Now you can do it very quickly by pointing clicking and changing the text. Hope you grasped the power of this from my demo and grab a copy for yourself.