Current situation of Emirates Airline:
Any new arrival or entry in any industry is considered unattractive due to very low demand, high prices and strong competition. But attractive for Emirates Airlines due to its good strategy and strong market position. Also, it has many opportunities to handle any uncertain situation because it is member of very strong Emirates Group which share its resources and reduce the company expenses.
Overall, Emirates enjoying with great market position along with high profitability rate which is considered as competitive advantage of the company and high profit rate of the company of its best competing strategy and other expansion strategy.
3.3 Conclusion and Recommendation
At the time of strong competition which refers to maturity stage of Airline Industry so each company should approach offensive and use the offensive strategy after in detail review its internal and external environment and all related factors which directly effect the company position. The following recommendations are for Emirates airlines.
Operational cost of Emirates is very high only due to huge investments on technologies, aircrafts and best quality services. Emirates should control its cost and should decrease its cost through improvement and development of operations activities .Emirates should improve maintenance process, effective and efficient flight schedule of the company and better utilization of the company resources like aircrafts etc. Another way for reduction of cost is advancement in its technologies by investment in technologies and in this way cut of labour cost. For example it is strongly recommended to new installation of self check service system on all airports.
In reply to the threat of low cost airlines in UAE market. Emirates should offer advance level services and control cost and this way no need to reduce the prices and in this order it should introduce its new brand as subsidiary which should be base on low cost. a subsidiary
Extension in routes strongly recommended and should be special growth in tourism UAE. In this order to it should extend its route worldwide most attractive areas and Canada one of them. Joining with global alliance will help to increase its worldwide destinations in this way should offer more impressive and effective strategy for competing low cost airlines.
Advancement in Information Technology is most important for progress of emirates airlines and in this order it should make contracts with E-Business Company for improving its services and increase the customer's satisfactions. E-CRM is the latest technology and adopted by Emirates this strategy since increasing in numbers of the internet users and this way out for keep long term relation with customers. (Jiang, 2003).
Eventually, Emirate's Airlines make comprehensive analysis and review of company internal and external factors and its competitors and should develop new strategies for staying and keep good position in airline industry at this maturity time.
4. Strategy
Strategy is the  long term planning to achieve business objectives through arrangement of resources of organization within a difficult environment, to fulfill the market needs and also satisfaction of stakeholder's expectations".(Dibb.S, Simkin. L, 2008)
4.1 Emirates Airlines Strategies:
Emirates Airlines has a good and effective business model which is very helpful to gain company objectives and help to company become leader in the airline Industry .following are strategies of the emirates airlines strategies.
4.2 Quality Control strategy:
This is the basic and fundamental strategy to achieve goals of any organization so in this way airlines have very attractive and best strategy to control its quality and standard of the brand.
4.3 Extensive Aviation Training strategy.
This is another fundamental and key strategy of the Emirates for Aviation training .In this way company get maximum benefit through extensive training of its employees .In this way not only keep their employees with it but also open new opportunities for outsiders as well.
4.4 International Airline Information Technology Development Strategy.
This is another fundamental and very important strategy of the company for development of its e-business system, self check services system and also maximize the profit through its advancement in Information technology system in this way it make a lot of contracts with very big companies of the world.
4.5 Resort, Hotel and Tourism Strategy.
This is also another fundamental strategy of the company for increased the numbers of tourist in this way it assist to local bodies and advice for development of new Hotels, Restaurants, new buildings etc.
Growth strategy
New Bases.
Expansion of existing bases.
More opportunities available as airlines close/ consol.
Cost, cost, cost (long term minimization).
Efficient facilities.
Auctioned winter capacity.
Increasing communication of benefits