Today we didn't train in the cave but all went down to the river in succession today. No, it isn't to bathe, although the bath house was set up well, the depth was such that even the likes of Ogakichi-kun could submerge himself. Since it was so deep, there were several cases where some of the group nearly drowned.
There are many fellows who are not able to swim. The final straw came when one of them died. It would be troubling if this were to continue.
For that reason, today we are practicing swimming.
Blacksmith-san, who is usually shut up in her workshop and seldom comes out to the river after being attacked by a Lizard-Man, took the opportunity for fresh air and served as one of the teachers. Since the location we were using was a hunting ground for the Lizard-Men, some caution was necessary, though no attack took place throughout the lessons so that's good.
The loss of a day of training is regrettable but... Blacksmith-san and the other teachers were swimming happily and were happy to share their... Gratitude...
I think I can let one day of recreation slide...