Tuck : Hello every one. I’m Tuck, this is Som, Oum, and Drink. We will be introducing about Mor Din Dang market. To get an idea of what shopping at Mor Din Dang Market landmark in Khon Kaen University.
Drink : The first thing to know is the location. Som, Do you know where the market Mor Din Dang.
Som : Yes, I know Mor Din Dang Market is nearby complex KKU.
Oum: Yes Som. And I’ll properly explain to you Drink. Mor Din Dang Market or it's well- knowed that Rong Chay. The market where used to be opposite the Rong Chay because the former market is too narrow and the traffic around the market is so terrible that It have to been moved to the now place; It's behind the the complex building. This new market isn't so large. Moreover, That it's near the student dormitory contributes to that there are many motorbike parked around there ever evening. Not only students in KKU do usually walk around there but also other people.
Drink : Wow. I understand you perfectly.