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This is a point to point, easy to use region-wide teleporter: you can put 2 pads where you like on the same sim, even high on the sky.
I made it as easy as possible: no notecard required. And when you move your pads, they communicate with each-other and update the new destination positions automatically..
█ Setup
Just rez 2 pads on the same sim.
You can freely move the pads.
█ Troubleshooting
If you encounter any problem, please send me an IM (Alpheratz Resident).
- Make sure that you have the permission to run scripts where you rez the pads
- I can't click the pad
Probably you rezzed it under a transparent prim (i.e. a shadow prim). Cam down and move the pad. Hit Ctrl+Alt+T to see the invisible prims.
- I have 2 distant parcel on the same sim, does it work?
Yes. Of course you can't move inside a parcel where you or external objects aren't allowed to enter. If you own 2 distant parcels on the same sim and you want to teleport from one to another, make sure that there are not blocked parcels in between.