Hello my name is jun, I am sorry to send a message suddenly but if you read my message I am very happy. Thank you for your message I don't care about age, don't worry.
I used to work in Tokyo the company name is AEON store name is JUSCO supermarket and they have a lot of stores in Thailand do you know that?
But recently I changed my job and come back to my home town Kobe near Osaka.
I like Thailand and Thai people they are very friendly.
In January I visited Phuket and in May I went to Pattaya and Chang Mai.
I just visited BKK a few days ago. This time I stay very short but I want to make new Thai friend and go back again soon.
If you become my new friend I am very happy if not it is ok.Thank you for reading my message even though you are busy. Have a nice weekend and happy halloween.
Globalguy ๓๑ ตุลาคม ๒๕๕๘ ๘:๑๕ น.