Thus, our study shows that the amounts of Hg in NDs are very different
depending on the product name andmanufacturer. So a wide range
is not expected from the technology conditions, but these results confirmed
the necessity to control Hg content in NDs. Taking in the values,
120 and especially 700 ppm (0.7 g Hg per kg of NDs) are very high indeed.
Such a Hg level can be dangerous not only for cell cultures in biological
experiments, but even also for peopleworkingwith this material
in the industry. Nowadays, there are no standards on tolerance quantities
of mercury in NDs, and this study shows that working out such a
standard or at least a regulation is topical. As the results of this study
show, that the precision of flameless pyrolysis atomic absorption determination
of mercury in nanodiamonds is high, this method can be recommended
as a basic method for routine Hg measurements in