A large part of the success was attributed to Kim Jun Ho (40) and Jung Joon Young (26). Kim Jun Ho has a ‘yaps’ and unmannered personality yet provides much laughter while Jung Joon Young is a smart yet a tad weird character. The combination of such personalities has unexpectedly created a source for much laughter. As the 2 representatives for 2D1N engaged in an interview by ‘Drunken Talk’, one can’t help but notice that they are no different from how they are on screen. Instead, their mischievous side is even more apparent here than ever. Just as how Jung Joon Young had mistakenly said “first experience” instead of “first night” on 2D1N, his difficulty of choosing the right words which could have resulted in a fatal mistake was exemplified once again in real life. This time, he mistook ‘spoiler’ for ‘strike’. Kim Jun Ho sighed in disbelief and said: “See? This is his true self; he isn’t bluffing at all in the show. Kim Jong Min on the other hand seems to know the correct words but doesn’t’ know its application.” Despite the 14 years gap between the 2 2D1N representatives, generation gap is almost negligible as the two of them engaged in a conversation merrily.
Let us start interviewing officially. How is your alcohol capacity?
KJH: I’ll drink till I die. However, my body has been restricting me… Having reached 40, I’ll feel really tired if I drank the previous day. There is a drinking order in the comedy world’s wine party. Oh Jae Mi-Ji Sang Ryeol-Kim Jun Ho, followed by someone else etc. We’ll spend a certain amount of time drinking, so much so we lost count in the number of cups we’ve drank.
JJY: I love drinking as well, my alcohol capacity is good, I really like it and I don’t mind any type of alcohol.
Any special habits when you’re drunk?
KJH: I’m named ‘sincere feel’ whereby I’ll become really sincere. If my juniors are sitting there, I’ll tell them the history and tradition of the comedy world. I’ll repeat should they not listen carefully. As I tend to repeat similar topics twice or thrice, the kids really hate it.
JJY: Ah, of course they’ll hate it. Actually hyung, although you become really sincere, the way you drink is really like a dog. Dog. Hahahaha