Believe it or not, each of these markets have there own set of standards/requirements. There are global requirements for TELCOM equipment. I am most familiar with the BELCORE (TELCORDIA) standards here in the US and the European Telecommunications Standards (ETSI) in Europe. Although they are US and European standards they are applied globally. There are many sections to these standards which include EMI/EMC, Product Safety and Lightning certification requirements to name a few. Included within these documents are references to a number of other test standards. These standards are many times common across markets but the actual test limit sometimes changes.
Don't try to order all of these, just get a list of the standards they are going to apply. I have many of them. Even if the versions I have are older documents they tell us most of what we need.
There is one important thing to keep in mind, some of these standards (TELCOM) require that the system meet the radiated emissions requirement with the cabinet doors open. This does not help us much because the shieldig is done at the module level and not the rack level.
They may be simply designing a rack/cabinet that has "X" amount of shielding over "Y" frequency range because they don't have any understanding of their customers end use or requirements. This would be helpful information.
Get what you can and I will help interpret the information.
Hopefully this helps.
David Inman