This study indicated that the population of motorcycle
riders in the UK is significantly taller than the general
population, which is consistent in magnitude (in the
order of 30 mm) with previous work. The location of
the most forward part of t.he leg of subjects when seated
on a test rig shows wide variation. The test rig used was
a 1985 model BMW 80GIS and while the results of the
sitting position study may be regarded as being generalisable
to other motorcycles with similar relative
locations of seat and footrests, assuming that there are
no constraints on the location of the legs (for example,
fairings), the results are not generalisable to race
replica and foot forward machines as the relative
positions of the seat and handlebars are different for
these styles. These two findings imply that considerable
care is needed when considering the design of any
components, the function of which is dependent on the
relative location of parts of the rider of the motorcycle.
This study used a relatively small sample and clearly
further work is required to obtain more detailed
anthropometric data and sitting position studies need to
be undertaken, particularly with respect to differences
between the different styles of motorcycle and the static
and dynamic situations.