constantly decline (UN, 2010). On the contrary, the proportion of population in old-age group will constantly increase
from 11.5 percent of total population in 2010 to 13.7 and 16.4 percent of total population in 2015 and 2020,
respectively (UN, 2010). Such a demographic shift implies that the economic well-being of elderly people will be a
vital tool for the sustainable economic and social development of Thailand. That is, elderly people with high economic
well-being are likely to be regarded as economic active population rather than dependent population, leading to the
persistent economic growth and social stability in ageing society despite the diminishing proportion of population in
working-age group. Consequently, the economic preparation for retirement of working-age population is considered
very crucial to enhancing economic well-being of elderly people.
Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the economic preparation for retirement under three dimensions, including
amount of saving, membership of retirement funds and accommodation ownership, of 11,752 working-age population
aged 50 – 59 years old based on the data from the elderly survey in 2007 conducted by the National Statistical Office.
Moreover, it also investigated the determinants of the economic preparation for retirement by utilizing binary logistic
regression analysis. The results obtained from this study are expected to be useful for the policy formulation and
implementation to enhance economic preparation of working-age population so that they become the economic
active population after their retirement.