1. Defin e management . Management is a form of work that involves coordinating an organization's resources-land, labor, and capital-to accomplish organizational objectives .
2 . Describe the levels of management. Three levels of management exist. Top manage ment establishes the goals of the organization and the actions necessary to achieve them . Middle management develops departmental goals and actions necessary to achieve organization al objectives. Supervisors manage operative employees.
3. Discuss thefunctions of management . The functions of management are
• Planning : deciding what objectives to pursue during a future period and what to do to achieve those objectives.
• Organizing: grouping activities, assigning activities, and providing the authority necessary to carry out the activities.
• Staffing: determining human resource needs and recruiting, selecting, training, and developing human resources.
• Leading : directing and channeling human behavior toward the accomplishment of objectives . • .
• Controlling : measuring performance against objectives , determining causes of deviations, and taking corrective action where necessary.
4. Explain the roles of a manager. The roles of a manager fall into three major catego ries: interpersonal, informational , and decisional. Formal authority and status together generate certain interpersonal roles. The interpersonal roles , in turn , determine the . informational roles of the manager. Finally, access to information , authority, and status place the manager at a central point in the organizational decision-making process .