essential oils on fruit and vegetables, postharvest (Combrink et al.,2011; Singh et al., 2011).A previous study which addressed the effect of garlic extractson postharvest pathogens in amended media (Daniel, 2014)showed that garlic extract preparations were successful at retard-ing pathogen mycelial growth and spore germination of B. cinerea,P. expansum and N. alba. In vitro volatile effects of garlic extracts atconcentrations between 0 and 40% garlic extract were subsequentlytested. Garlic extract volatiles were effective in inhibiting pathogenmycelial growth and spore germination of all three pathogens,at lower concentrations compared to the amended media exper-iments.In keeping with this, the present study aimed to investigate theability of garlic extracts and clove oil to inhibit decay caused by thepostharvest pathogens B. cinerea, P. expansum and N. alba on apples.