Mice were randomly divided into one control group and
two treatment groups. For deguelin testing, the groups consisted
of a control group and two groups of animals treated
with deguelin at 5.0 or 10.0 mg/kg body weight. Deguelin was
dissolved in corn oil just before administration and was
administered by gavage (intragastrically) 5 days/week for
the duration of the study. Control animals were treated with
corn oil (administered intragastrically) throughout the study.
For silibinin testing, the groups consisted of a control group
treated with AIN-76A purified pellet diet and two groups
treated with silibinin at 0.05% and 0.1% (wt/wt) doses mixed
with AIN-76A purified powder diet. Foods were prepared
once a week with a powerful KitchenAid mixer (St. Joseph,
MI) mixing for at least 1 hour. Treatments were initiated
10 days before carcinogen introduction. After 10 days of
treatment, all groups received a single intraperitoneal dose
of BP (100 mg/kg body weight) in 0.2 ml of tricaprylin. Body
weights of mice were measured every 2 weeks