We refer to the above matter andwish to extendour sincere apologiesto your goodcompany for the
extendedperiodtaken in the arrivalofyour shipment.Thisisbecause at approximately 1500 hours
LT on 03
rd November 2014,M.V.“Xin Chi Wan”hadcollidedinto our motor vesselBani Bhum at
Ma Wan channel,wherein the vesselis now currently at Hong Kong for inspection and
Asa result ofthe above incident,the subject vesselBani Bhum hadsustainedheavy damage to its
hullbut there isno report ofany damage to the cargo and/or container in respect to your shipment at
Please be advisedthat your shipment willbe transshippedon the earliest next available vessel.
We do expressour sincere apologiesfor such an unexpectedevent.However,we shallarrange for
the container to be dischargedat BangkokandLaemchabangassoon aspossible.
In the meantime,ifyouhave not already done so,may we suggest that yourefer thismatter to your
cargo insurer in the first instance in order that they may dealwith your policy coverage ofyour
affectedinterest,ifany.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
For the avoidance ofdoubt,nothingherein isto be construedasan admission ofliability,whether
expressor implied.Waiver or variation ofany ofour rightsandallcoursesofaction andremedies
are hereby specifically andexpressly reserved.
been ฉันรักแปล
We refer to the above matter andwish to extendour sincere apologiesto your goodcompany for the
extendedperiodtaken in the arrivalofyour shipment.Thisisbecause at approximately 1500 hours
LT on 03
rd November 2014,M.V.“Xin Chi Wan”hadcollidedinto our motor vesselBani Bhum at
Ma Wan channel,wherein the vesselis now currently at Hong Kong for inspection and
Asa result ofthe above incident,the subject vesselBani Bhum hadsustainedheavy damage to its
hullbut there isno report ofany damage to the cargo and/or container in respect to your shipment at
Please be advisedthat your shipment willbe transshippedon the earliest next available vessel.
We do expressour sincere apologiesfor such an unexpectedevent.However,we shallarrange for
the container to be dischargedat BangkokandLaemchabangassoon aspossible.
In the meantime,ifyouhave not already done so,may we suggest that yourefer thismatter to your
cargo insurer in the first instance in order that they may dealwith your policy coverage ofyour
affectedinterest,ifany.We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
For the avoidance ofdoubt,nothingherein isto be construedasan admission ofliability,whether
expressor implied.Waiver or variation ofany ofour rightsandallcoursesofaction andremedies
are hereby specifically andexpressly reserved.
been ฉันรักแปล
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..