Hello , first let me introduce my self .
My name is Nichaporn Hayachuntha .
You can call me Sincere.
I'm 18 years old . My birthday is 2 Feb 1997 . My blood type is AB type.
I was born at Sanamchan Hospital .
I live in Nakornpathom. I live with my mom .
I'm graduated from Princess Sirindhorn college.
Now l'm study in Boromarajonnani chakriraj college of Nursing.
My favorite color is Black and White because it's so classic and carefully .
My favorite food is padthai and tomyumkung. It's so yummy!
My favorite subject is Chemistry and Anatomycal . Because it's difficult and challenging.
My favorite sport is badminton and
I like k-pop .
My favorite girl group is Girl's generation 4minute and MissA .
My favorite boy brand is infinite btob and exo.
I like taking photos. Now I'm saving up to buy a camera.
My ability is thai dance , Cover dance and Drawing .
My hobby is listen to music , reading a book and drawing a picture