Dear Dr. Pong,
As a result of past meetings, we have three opportunities before us with international partners.
Relationship with Budapest Business School
The most immediate is a visit by Dr. Csilla Szalok early next week. On this weekend she will visit Chiang Mai to accept an honorary doctorate degree from Rajabhat Chiang Mai. When she returns to Bangkok, possibly on Monday, she would like to meet to discuss a relationship with Budapest Business School. I have talked with Waraporn, and I understand your schedule is very busy over the next week. We have tentatively booked lunch on Wednesday if she is still in Bangkok. Dr. Tanom says he is available Tuesday afternoon but I realize this conflicts with your schedule. Attached for your reference please find the notes from our meeting with the three people from Budapest we met last December. She would like to discuss a visit by PNRU to Budapest, and define in more detail the kinds of activities that would benefit both sides.
Relationship with Universities in Ireland
In the second instance, we have a meeting scheduled with representatives from six universities in Ireland on Monday, November 16, in the morning. The meeting is scheduled from 0930 to 1130. Also attached are notes from the meeting we had with the Irish representatives in September. Should you wish to visit some of these universities, the Irish government representatives will provide transportation and introductions to the relevant cities in Ireland.
Relationship with Chongqing University of Education
Thirdly, subsequent to our meeting with the people from Chongqing University of Education, we have received an invitation to begin a formal relationship with them. Attached please find their draft of an MoU. They would like to invite a graduate student or possibly a faculty member to spend time teaching with them in March to May. The details from their email are quoted below:
"We send the framework agreement draft to you, please find it in attachment.
We'd like to sign a framework agreement first, and we can develop projects in future one by one.
"The first project we'd like to propose: Practice teacher in our university
1. We'd like to recruit 1 to 2 English major postgraduate students to work as interns in our university in next semester (March-June).
2. Internship content: English teacher, Thai language teacher
3. Request: A good command of English and Thai language, lively open and bright, humorous natural
" We can provide:
1. Round-trip ticket from Bangkok to Chongqing
2. School accommodation
3. Living cost"
If you are in agreement, we will publicize this opportunity among our faculties.
Today I received a further email indicating that Chongqing would like to send three graduate school student teachers here to teach Chinese from November through February. I have written back asking for more information.
If you would like to meet to discuss these relationships, I am amenable to your schedule.
Best regards,