Proximate composition includes moisture, Crude protein, ether extract, Crude fiber, Ash, and Nitrogen free extract. The composite samples were prepared for proximate analysis. Moisture was determined by oven dehydration method at 105˚C up to the constant weight. Crude protein was determined by estimating the nitrogen content of the food materials, using Kjeldhal method. Crude fat was determined by ether extraction method using sohxtech. Crude fiber was determined by Acid digestion and Alkali digestion and by using fibertech. Ash content was determined in muffle furnace at 550˚c for 6 hours. For all these determinations powdered and oven dried sample were used in triplicate, accordance with AOAC (2000). NFE is calculated by difference, Food energy calculation is derived by multiplying the percentage of crude protein and carbohydrate by 4.1 and crude fat by 9.3 (Khalil and Saleemullah, 2004).