Environmental pollution and (legradation are rapidly increasing throughout the Asian countries
due to high population density, lack of sewerage systems, drainage, poor sanitary conditions
prevailing due to open toilets, wastage disposal into the canals and other public areas. This is
causing frequent er-uptions of gastro-intestinal disorders, recurring fevers and diarrheas among
children, malaria, tuberculosi; and other contagious diseases. Due to high rates of morbidity
among workers, absenteeism .n the work place is a regular phenomena. In the Ho Chi Minh
Metropolitan area about 65 to 70 percent in the age group of 16 - 65 are actively engaged in
various economic activities. TIheir productivity therefore might be affected due to the prevailing
patterms of morbidity.
Such deterioration in the general health of the working force and particularly among children is
due to lack of proper seweragz and drainage systems in the city. Citizens of the city have realized
that their living surroundings are bad, there is foul smell all over, the canals are emitting
obnoxious odors. They are ahlo unable to cope up with the mosquito menace