Chilli (Capsicum annuum L., family Solanaceae) is considered as
one of the most important commercial spice crops and is a widely
used universal spice. Chilli, like all other agricultural commodities,
invariably has a high moisture content (60–85%) at the time of moisture for long term
storage in dehydrated form (Charmongkolpradit et al., 2010). Nevertheless,
it is a highly perishable vegetable with a short shelf-life
and high susceptibility to fungal diseases, and commonly encountered
postharvest problems, such as quality degradation, chilling
injury when stored below 7 ◦C and shrivelling associated with rapid
loss of weight (Xing et al., 2011).
Edible coatings extend the postharvest shelf-life of fresh fruit
and vegetables. They improve the mechanical handling properties
or structural integrity of fresh commodities and provide an effective
barrier to respiratory gases and water vapour (Ojagh et al.,
2010). The effectiveness of coatings depends on their composition.