Septic shock still remains one of the leading causes of death in hospital patients. Greater awareness, understanding of the condition .and the knowledge of most effective treatment measures available can decrease the rate of mortality. Making an early, accurate diagnosis of septic shock is the key to increasing survival rates. Excessive inflammation, excessive coagulation and suppression of fibrinolysis are the hallmarks of Sepsis. Infection control, haemodynamic stabilization, and modulation of the septic response are the cornerstones of treatment. The management is influenced more by appropriate treatment with antibiotics and fluids than by specific intensive care. Septic response can be modulated by the use of Steroids and Activated Protein C and with tight glucose control. Low Tidal Volume ventilation and high volume Haemofilteration are other beneficial strategies in Sepsis. As septic shock worsens and fails to respond to all therapy, one must be prepared to limit and withdraw treatment.