It would, therefore, be extremely difficult to attain the objectives of the manufacturing industries without giving proper consideration to ergonomics. Effective application of ergonomics in work system design can achieve a balance between worker characteristics and task demands. This can enhance worker productivity; provide worker safety, physical and mental well-being and job satisfaction. Many research studies have shown positive effects of applying ergonomics principles in workplaces, occupational health and safety, machine design, job design, environment and facilities design. However, there is still a low level of acceptance and limited application of ergonomics in the manufacturing industries, especially in the SSI’s and unorganised sector. Neglect of ergonomic principles brings inefficiency and pain to the workforce. An ergonomically deficient workplace can cause physical and emotional stress, low productivity and poor quality of work. Assessment of exposure levels to Material Safety Data Sheets risk factors can be an appropriate base for planning and implementing interventional ergonomics programs in the workplace.