“Wow, your tour guide is amazing,” One of the young women gushed.
“And cute too!” Another added.
Dipper stared at them with an unimpressed look from behind the cash register as he rung up their purchases of Mystery Shack shirts. “I’ll be sure to pass it along.” He said dryly.
It’d been a month since the whole deal was made. The air was quickly growing cooler and the leaves were starting to die. Bill had made headway into ‘The Human Experience’ and was quickly growing accostumed to it, much to Dipper’s dismay. He worked tours now, and sometimes Dipper could trust him with the cash register depending on both of their moods.
He’d even started to clean up after himself around the house.
Though he hadn’t quite gotten the idea that you can clean clothes and they don’t need to be destroyed after wearing them for a certain amount of time.
Bill was also taking his part of the deal very seriously. The other day, Dipper saw that Mabel was about to hit her foot into the table leg but Bill quickly snapped his fingers, creating some sort of buffer that forced Mabel’s foot to go around the table leg instead of into it.
This extra care towards Mabel caused her and Bill to become fast friends and they got along annoyingly well. She thought he was doing it to be kind, but only Bill and Dipper knew the little clause in their deal that lead to Bill snoring in the corner of Dipper’s room every night.
“That’ll be thirty-five dollars,” Dipper informed them and the girls happily paid, still giggling about Bill.
Dipper couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose in mild disgust.
They left the shop, talking excitedly and Dipper shuddered a bit. Why would anyone think Bill was cute. Bill of all people. And he wasn’t even a person, technically!
Thankfully, they were the last customers and the day was over. Dipper locked the door behind them and flipped the sign over to ‘Closed’ as Mabel and Bill came out from back, both talking animatedly about improving the tours.
The twins had dragged Bill to the local thrift store and purchased him new clothes. He was an odd duck (as Mabel put it) when it came to his clothing choice as he seemed to gravitate towards skinny jeans, dress shirts, sweater vests and blasers. That with an old used pair of hiking boots gave for a curious sight.
Dipper suspected that Bill may be colorblind as he completely broke all the rules of color theory.
It would also explain the color leaving a room when he was in a strong demonic state.
Right now Bill was wearing his ridiculous jeans, boots and an almost puke green vest with a pink shirt and bright blue bowtie. How could anyone find that cute? And how has Mabel not cracked yet?
“We did good today,” Dipper announced, opening the cash register to count the money more accurately.
“Of course we did, Pine Tree, I’m a natural,” Bill dragged, leaning against the cash counter.
Dipper glanced up from his counting before continuing, “Yeah, you’re really attracting the customers.” He commented dryly.
Mabel gasped, “That’s right!” She chirped before quickly joining Bill’s side. “What did that girl say to you when your tour was over?! You were laughing and seemed really happy.”
Bill snorted, “She asked if I wanted to go out.” He replied before chuckling, “Couldn’t even realize we were already outside. Humans are so clueless sometimes!”
Mabel gasped again, her hands on her cheeks, “BILL! You got asked out on a date!”
“What does fruit have to do with anything?”
“No, Bill!” Mabel started eagerly, tugging at his sleeve, “Bill, she wanted to romance you!”
Bill stared at Mabel and started laughing hysterically. Her eagerness slowly ebbed away and she scowled before looking at Dipper. “Dipper!” She scolded, including him in the conversation now, “Don’t you think he should go on a date? Part of the whole ‘being human’ thing?”
Dipper scoffed, “No way.”
Bill stopped and eyed Dipper. “And why not?”
Dipper was used to these challenges by now and they were always tedious. He’d take Mabel’s suggestions lightheartedly but if Dipper disagreed, Bill was more likely to do it. If Dipper agreed, Bill was also more likely to do it.
Bill ensured that Dipper couldn’t win so Dipper decided it would be best just to