Re What camp are you going to this summer?
Hi,I'm Paulo from Denver. This summer, I'm spending five days at Camp Jam in Chicago, lllinois. It's a music camp for rock fans. I piay the guitar, so this camp is going to be awesome On the first day, we're going to make our band decide on a name for it. then,we're going topractice three hours a day,and have group lessons, too. Famous musicians are going to visit the camp to hang out with us and play. At the end of the week, we're performing in a concert. My school friends are coming to watch me. lt's going to de so cool
Re What camp are you going to this summer?
Hi,I'm Paulo from Denver. This summer, I'm spending five days at Camp Jam in Chicago, lllinois. It's a music camp for rock fans. I piay the guitar, so this camp is going to be awesome On the first day, we're going to make our band decide on a name for it. then,we're going topractice three hours a day,and have group lessons, too. Famous musicians are going to visit the camp to hang out with us and play. At the end of the week, we're performing in a concert. My school friends are coming to watch me. lt's going to de so cool
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