- explains that annex VI emission control requirements are in accordance with the 1978 montreal protocol (a UN international evironmental treaty), as amended in London in 1990
- states that MARPOL annex VI applies to all ships, fixed and floating drilling rigs and other platforms, but the certification requirements are depending on size of the vessel and when it is constructed
- explains the requirements fot shipboard energy efficiency plans under MARPOL annex VI
- explains that requlation 16 sets out requirements for shipboard incineration and as per 16(4) bans the incineration of:
- MARPOL Annex I, II and III cargo residues and related contanminated packing materials:
- polychlorinated biphenyis (PCBs):
- garbage, as defined in MARPOL Annex V. containing more than traces of heavy metals: and
- refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds
- explains that under regulation 16(5) incineration of sewage sludge and sludge oil generated during the normal operation of a ship may take place in the main or auxiliary power plant or boilers(as well as in an incinerator), but in those cases, must not take place inside ports, harbours and estuaries
- explains that regulation 16(6) prohibits the shipboard incineration of polyvinyl chlorides (PVCas), except in incinerators for which IMO Type Approval Certificates have been issued
- explains that under regulation 16(7) all ships with incinerators subject to regulation 16 must possess a manufacturer's operating manual which must specify how to operate the incinerator within the limits described in paragraph 2 of appendix IV to Annex VI
- explains that under regulation 16(8) personnel responsible for operation of any incinerator must be trained and capable of implementing yhe guidance in the manufacturer's operating manual
- explains the regulation 3 provides that the regulations of annex VI will not apply to any emission necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of a ship or saving life at sea, or any emission resulting from dunage to a ship or its equipment, subject to certain conditions