been ฉันรักแปลASTROSAT is the first Indian dedicated astronomy satellite aimed at multi-wavelength observations of the Universe. It will carry a suite of experiments covering the UV, optical and x-ray bands. The Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) will conduct observations in the near and far UV and in the optical waveband. This instruments is expected to have an angular resolution of 2” , the best achieved so far. There are four instruments covering the x-ray band. The soft x-ray telescope (SXT) is an imaging experiment covering the energy range of 0.3 to 8 keV. The Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) is an coded mast imager covering the energy range of 10-100keV with a field of view of 6 degreex 6degree. The Large Area Xenon filled Proportional Counters (LAXPC) consists of collimated proportional counters covering the energy range of 3-80 keV. The Scanning Sky Monitor (SSM) is an x-ray sky monitor to detect and locate x-ray transients in the energy range 2-10 keV. Main goals of the ASTROSAT will be to conduct a) high resolution timing studies of x-ray sources with an accuracy of 10 microseconds b) highresolutionimaging in UV band c) broad band spectroscopy of sources in the UV and x-ray bands. ASTROSAT has led to new developments in the country like manufacturing of gold coated x-ray mirroes and setting up of calibration facilities. Reqular observations using ASTROSAT will be made based on proposals and data will be available on wed after an initial lock in period. This is expected to lead to a tremendous growth in the user community for satellite based astronomical data in India.