Trapping was performed from May 2010 to December 2011, except
in February–April 2011 and August–September 2011 due to logistic
constraints and low capture success (Zabala et al., 2001).
Trapping was carried out using 10–15 home-made box-traps
(30W 30H 90L cm) groups, set at >500 mapart from each other,
and baited with sardines in oil, fresh chicken eggs, and road-killed
small mammals and passerines. Trap groups were spread all over
the study area, in potential genet habitats (e.g. forest areas, riparian
areas and shrubland areas; e.g. Zabala et al., 2001; Galantinho and
Mira, 2009; Santos et al., 2011). Traps were checked every morning
after sunrise to minimize animal stress, and bait was replaced whenever
needed. Mean ± SE sampling effort in the wet season (October–
April) was 33.9 ± 0.8 trap nights (696 total operative trap nights),
and in the dry season (May–September) it was 123.0 ± 4.4 trap
nights (1190 total operative trap nights).