1. Training & Development officer
• Create operation of human resources development such as annual training plan, staff motivation program. Also involve with HR&OD project implementation such as global employee engagement program or company human development project
• Operate training program following to Annual Training Plan
• Conduct annual & Develop training program
• Prepare training report to support Thai Skill Development department
2. Organization Development Officer
• Monitor and control employee turnover rate. Report and propose solution of turn over control to management
• Operate organization development program such as Job Evaluation, Career Path Design, Succession Planning, Organization Diagnostic or any project to support Organization & employee readiness to change
• Facilitate workplace communication and management talk program
3. HRIS / e-Learning Officer
• Operate and control company e-Learning system, Intranet and any learning system to ensure sufficient knowledge provision for employee.
• Monitor training compliance through learning system such as code of conduct, information security system etc.
• Create learning material to provide interactive learning environment to employee