From the measurement of the average concentration
of the dust of which sizes are smaller than 10 micron
from 2 studied locations which were Boromtrilokkanat
amd Ekatossarot road in bofh dry andrainy season, it
was found that the average values qrere not exceed the
quality standard in the air envfummenlflt could be
seen that the average concentration of the PM10 in
*mh studied focatig;r$S6ped L T*{ season :
#E rain , erosiod'"ofocess which increased the
precipitati8i of rhe accumul$tffio*t and could reduce * I
ffie concentation cf the dust concentration in the air
rrun,ironment. There were cafuirxn (Cd), lead (Pb) and
;rxangaqepe,(Jrdn) in every studied location. When qrud$qu
compafrn!-thE*average concentrations of these 3 heavy
metals in the PMIO, Iead Sblwas formdis{h€.Hgbest
quantity an4 cadmiuq (CO was fmnd in the lowest -
{$antlty. In rainy seas.o& it was fouad that the average
ssncentrations of &ese three heavy metals decreased
because of the rain erosion process as well. This
showed the same tend as the quantity ofPMlO.